PocketRep™ 3.56
 PocketRep ™ is a
companion application that can be purchased to extend the capabilities of
BrokerForce™ for trade shows and sales reps on the road. The
application is used for scanning, entering, calculating, printing orders, and
merging these orders into BrokerForce™. PocketRep supports the scanning of bar
codes with peripheral hardware and/or the selection of items from product lists
downloaded from BrokerForce™. PocketRep is autonomous of any server so, orders
can be printed directly from the PocketRep device without docking.
Why we use PocketPC™
Pocket Rep Installation
Installation of PocketRep is
subject to the EInstallation of PocketRep is subject to the Extended User
License Agreement (License.txt) included with BrokerForce™. Be sure to install
Microsoft Active Sync on your PC before docking the device to the PC.

Click here to download MS Active Sync 4.2 for your PocketRep 3 device
Windows Vista and Active Sync versions newer than 4.2 are
supported by PocketRep 6 but not by PocketRep 3. Consider upgrading to
PocketRep 6 series for Vista or Mobile 5 and newer devices.
Click here for PocketRep installation
To Enter/Scan an Order
Select a vendor from the <Vend> drop list
and select a customer from the <Cust> drop list and should be entered
only on their first order.
Each order is for only one vendor and one customer. Multiple ship to addresses
or dates may be added when the order is processed in BrokerForce™.

- Select a customer. New customer information may be added if it
is not currently in the list. We recommend that you enter the company name and
phone number on the device, and staple their business card to your printed copy
of the report. Should you loose the card, one can reverse lookup the address
from the phone number. Enter the address information on your laptop or desktop
when you are processing the orders per the instructions below. Click the <Cust>
button the the left of the <Customer> drop list to change customers on an order.
- At the bottom of the order header screen, tap <Line Items>.
- Choose the appropriate price list e.g. "Wholesale". Confirm that
the default pricing is correct.
- If products are to be entered by selecting from the <Item> or
description <Desc> drop lists, click the appropriate item.
- If you will be entering an item manually by item number,
tap the <Add> button to add a new blank line to the order. Otherwise, scan a bar
code* using the button on the device that has been assigned to the scanner. If
the item is not found in the list of available products, you will be prompted if
you want to continue. Items can be added on-the-fly.
- Tap the <Qty> control to enter a quantity, the order total
is automatically recalculated when you move to a new or previous item. Tab the <Del>
button to remove an order line item. Tab the <Toggle Product> button to
increase the control width for viewing long product descriptions.
- Tap the <RTF> button at the bottom of the screen every 5-10 items added. This
will save your changes to a file that may be printed from the desktop.
- To sort the line item details, click the pink item number or description column

- Tap <Sign> in the bottom left to have your customer sign
their order. Tap <Sign> again.
- Tap the <Ok> button at the top right of the screen to return to the order
header. Tap <New> to begin a new order. Although each order is for only one
vendor, multiple orders can be created with different vendor/customer
Tap <GoTo> to move to a previously entered order for adding or editing items.
- Close PocketRep if
you won't be using the application for a while. The act of closing PocketRep
will create a backup. For those with Dell Axim, x50 devices, update PocketRep
2.014 or better is required for this.
To Print an Order
- Want to be sure that your order is backed up? Tap <RTF> to save a copy to an
RTF file that can be printed with a word processor.
- Align the IrDA (infra-red) ports of the printer
and device so that they are within range of each other or select Bluetooth or
wireless network printer. Tap <Print> and enter the number of copies desired.
Options for more information.
- If the PocketRep screen is not showing the line item details of the order, tap
the <Line Items> button at the bottom right of the header to return to the
detail section of the order. Keep the IrDA ports aligned until the indicator
light on the printer is no longer lit.
- In addition to printing a copy of the order for your customer, you should print
a file copy of the order so that if the battery fails, the device is lost or
stolen, or is otherwise damaged, you will have a backup alternative. We
recommend that you staple a new customer's business card to your copy of the
order in order to add address information when the order is processed with
- The printer driver supports other wireless connections such as
Bluetooth or wireless network. For printing to a shared
printer on a network see:
Network Printing
If you're going to scan orders at a show, be sure to
test scan bar codes from all your suppliers. If you're new to scanning, scan at
least 3 test orders that you have previously written before you attempt to scan
a live order with a customer.
Verify that PocketRep is Closed:
- If you have opened another program or otherwise returned to the <Today> screen
on the device, PocketRep may be open even though you do not see it. For
example, if you started PocketRep and clicked the <Ok> button in the upper right
to quickly close PocketRep while "Loading customers..." PocketRep will not be
- To verify that it is closed: On the device, click <Start>, <Settings>, <System>,
<Memory>, <Running Programs>
- If you see "Order n", "Loading PocketRep...", or "Ord:n:Customer name", the
application is still open.
- If you see any of these, click <Start>, <PocketRep>, and then close PocketRep.
- Answer <Yes> to backup your orders.
To Transfer Orders
- When orders are to be
transferred form the device into BrokerForce™
PocketRep. The device must be re-docked to the original host or a machine that
is using the same data (replica) set. All orders will be removed from the device
and transferred to BrokerForce™ for processing on the host machine. If a
different host is to receive the orders, that host must have a full replica.
- With the device connected to
the host computer, open BrokerForce™ and click the <Synchronize PocketRep>
button on the BrokerForce™ toolbar. All orders will be removed
from the device and transferred to BrokerForce™ into a holding table for
processing. Previous, unprocessed orders that have been transferred to the
holding table will not be affected by subsequent transfers.
- After the orders have been transferred, the user will be
prompted with options to update customer, and product information. If these
have not changed since the last docking, answer <No> to save time. Refreshing
the products table with thousands of SKUs may take several minutes for the
- If orders are retrieved from the device, the user will be prompted "Do you want
to process orders now?". If you answer <Yes>, the Excerlr8d Import/Export
Orders dialog box will be shown otherwise, the orders will remain in the
PocketOrdersHold table until they can be processed at a more convenient time.
Orders must be processed at the host machine that they were transferred to. If
you run a BrokerForce™ update, any orders in the holding table will be lost if
they have not been processed.
- DO NOT run a BrokerForce program update if there are orders waiting to be
processed, they will be overwritten.
To Process Orders
- If you did not choose to process orders when the device was docked, click the
<Orders> tab, and then click the click the <Excelr8d Dialog>
button on the toolbar to display the Import/Export Orders Dialog. Otherwise,
the dialog will already be shown.
- Click the <Process PocketRep Orders> (icon of hand-held pointing to an order)
button in the upper left of the Excelr8d dialog form to begin processing
orders. When the button is clicked, follow the prompts regarding order
header, new customer, and line item detail processing. This button will be
disabled if there are no orders to process.
- After the order header is processed, click the <Process Details> button to
process that order's details.
- When there are no more orders to process, the <Process PocketRep Orders> button
will be disabled.
Copying BrokerForce™ Customer Contact information to the
- A two stage process is required to copy customer contact
information from BrokerForce™ to the PocketPC device. Customer information will
be moved from BrokerForce™ into Microsoft Outlook and thereby transferred to the
handheld via Active Sync.
- To update your
Microsoft Outlook contacts with those from BrokerForce™ and vice versa,
on the BrokerForce™ customer form. This process
will first look to see if there are any contacts that are in your Outlook
contacts folder any contact that meets 4 criteria: 1) There is a company name
2)- There is a contact name 3) The contact is categorized as
"BrokerForce™Customer" and 4) The contact was not placed there by BrokerForce™.
If all of these are true, the user will be prompted to have BrokerForce™ import
this contact's information.
After this stage of the refresh, all contact
records placed in the Outlook contacts folder by BrokerForce™
will be deleted. This will remove these contacts
from any distribution list and changes made to
these contact records are not transferred from
Outlook to BrokerForce™.
All Customers and their related contacts will be refreshed in Outlook with their
current information from BrokerForce™. Customer sales history will be added to
the note field of each respective contact.
If ActiveSync has
been configured to synchronize your Outlook contacts folder, these changes will
be propagated to the device.
* Additional hardware such as a Socket or Symbol scanner is required. Barcode
printing is included with BrokerForce™
Contact us if you need help.
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